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YEAH~ Finally made the first 4koma!! Stay tune for more of them in future. And of course I will finish up every drawings… ( >x<)

In case if you keep wonder what is 4koma…Yonkoma manga (4コマ漫画) or 4koma for short, with the minimum panels, the artist used it for establish various story in comic style. In short, it is 4-panels comic that people familiar with long time ago. (Well, I think it’s already obvious for one example which I posted above) The word comes from Japanese, but now many Asian and other countries also started using this term as well.

Example of popular 4koma manga that used this format: Working!!, Lucky Star, Sketchbook, K-On!, etc.

耶~ 终于完成我的第一篇四格漫画!!请继续期待未来新的作品。当然我绝对会画完我的每一副图画作品…… ( >x<)

假如你从头到尾一直思索 ‘4koma’ 是什么东东 –> Yonkoma manga (4コマ漫画) 或简称 4koma 是使用最小限度,也就是四个格数来构成一段故事的漫画。那便是从前大多人熟悉的四格漫画。(例子的话,我想上方的漫画已经很明显了吧!)这名字源于日本,不过现今许多亚洲或其他国家也开始使用。

使用4koma的日本漫画有:迷糊餐厅、幸运星、素描簿和 K-On! 轻音少女等。