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~”Sometimes it’s not that we’re hungry, but our mouths just feel lonely…(=3=)“~

Saw a post from Facebook recently. Then I saw this photo while I was back up all the photos into my hard disk. And now all my thought is FOOD, FOOD, FOOD… =,=

Couldn’t agree more with the quote…Sometimes we are not really that hungry, but still, we couldn’t help ourselves to grab something for mouth’s satisfaction~ Maybe this is one ‘obvious’ reason that I like to open fridge suddenly for no reason? Hmmm…:p

The photo was taken months ago, soon after I got the stock of this figure (Too happy to see it as the figure finally arrived after I pre-ordered it long time ago!!) One of my last figure that I got is Sanada Yukimura from Sengoku Basara. He’s my favorite character in the series and games, besides his loyal partner Sarutobi Sasuke.

Photo above is also available in my DeviantART:
1) Tea Time?
2) Itadakimasu


在面子书偶然看到这个言词,加上在我整理电脑内的照片时看到的其中一张,现在我的脑袋满都是食物、食物、食物…… =,=

不过我不得否认这句简单的句子。有时候我们并非是因为饿,但根本没法抗拒嘴馋的诱惑而去找零食或小吃来满足我们的嘴巴~ 也许这就是’为什么’我会时不时毫无头绪地去开冰箱?嘿嘿…… :p

第一张的照片是之前在我通过邮购买的模型后马上拍摄 (预购了他后等待正式出售的时间超长的,所以难免特别兴奋!!)他是我目前最新拥有的Nendoroid模型——真田幸村。除了他忠实的拍档猿飞佐助,幸村是我最爱的一位角色,源于游戏和动画《战国婆沙罗》。

1) Tea Time?
2) Itadakimasu

LET’S FIGHTTTTT~~!!! (Errr…Before that, Is there something wrong in both your hands? 0.o)
开打吧~~!!! (呃……等一下,你们手上是不是什么不对劲啦?0.o)

HA! Just kidding. We’re just having fun here!! We were exchange other’s weapons!

Now with Sanada Yukimura and Date Masamune are finally here, ‘The Rivals and Friends’ are complete~ LET’S PARTY!!! ^^
现在终于有了[天霸绝枪]——真田幸村和[奥州笔头]——伊达政宗俩,‘宿敌和盟友’之图完成~ LET’S PARTY!!! ^^