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Gotta admit…I had slow progression recently, due to busy with other artworks and participated contests. More over, I just applied freelance job, and digging through their given tasks as test this week…(=_=”’)

Anyway, I upload this old artwork for saying hello to October, since it is also considered as 4koma. Only difference is that this 4koma had two artist in there – Me and my university friend. Zack Fair and Cloud Strife (Characters on right panels) from Final Fantasy VII are my drawing, while the two others on left panels are my friend’s cute drawing. Later I scanned and added color with computer.

So what happened? Simple enough, we did it during our class lecture in computer lab. [Sorry but it is really a bad example, so please don’t copy us. Also that time the lecture was almost finished……] It’s like a game that each players continue the story through drawing. In the end it is just nothing but nonsense and fun~ ;p

It is a late greeting, but still want to say: “Hello, October!”


无论如何,我上载这之前的作品当作对十月打声招呼,而且碰巧这也是四格漫画。不同于的只是这张漫画有两位画家——我和我大学的朋友。漫画右边的是源于最终幻想VII (Final Fantasy VII) 的扎克斯·菲尔(Zack Fair) 和克劳德·史特莱夫 (Cloud Strife),也是我的笔下涂鸦;另外两个小可爱角色是我朋友独特风格的作品,过后我还自己用电脑加入颜色。

到底是怎么回事?很简单,我们是在电脑室内上课时觉得无聊才一起画出来。(很抱歉但这个是个典型的坏榜样,所以千万不能学我们呀!况且那时是快要下课了……)这个画法就好像每一个人从涂鸦中继续前一个人的故事,至到最后有的是瞎扯但同时又有趣的感觉~ ;p
