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(Sigh) Still in holiday mood although I’ve came back from my hometown. This year we didn’t outing much, except just visited our close-relatives.

But what I always enjoyed in my hometown — Melaka is that the fresh air and some natural-environment, which I can’t feel it in my current home.

This was taken while visiting my uncles’ house.
IMG_0148The world seems so small, but yet so huge til infinity…

IMG_0165No matter how small you are, do not forget that God have give everyone a potential to shine, even it is just tiny one…


And we ‘Lau Sang’ and wishing everyone with abundant blessings.


Well, Chap Goh Mei is almost around the corner. So, enjoy the lunar new year and enjoy the snacks a little more (Probably many had bored or started exercise due to overweight during CNY…:p)