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DARN! I realized it’s been almost end of March and I didn’t update my post… @.@

The weather this month was such pain in head~ It was more than usual ‘summer’ in Malaysia until my home have to break the habit of not turning on air-conditioner during afternoon period. Now I can’t really imagine the summer season other countries than Malaysia & Singapore…

Even I stuck myself at the refrigerator even just for few seconds sometimes…I know – sound silly but WHATEVER! The weather was just FREAKY hot!!!

Well, anything can’t be as excuses but seriously…this month did happened quite a lot of things. FINALLY I got to set a new path for my new kicking life.

>>> Things that had not come before but more than one came at me at once, but at least they are good things… (^3^)

>>> I got to move to new environment that I familiar with but yet seems become stranger to me…

>>> Next week, I’ll set my foot on new career, new place and new people. I still keep wondering how will everything goes that day?!

But I’m glad that I’m not alone all the time… 😉

Sayonara to my old comfy room;
Sayonara to my old place;
Sayonara to my dear friends (A little hard to say that to my friends though);
Sayonara to my precious figure collections (I promise I’ll be back for u guys once I really settled myself~!! TT___TT)

And hello to the hometown that I’ve been there so many times.

I’ll always walk down to new path in my life. It’s hard to get on my first step, but I know everything will be alright. As long as I know that I had good times which kept well in my heart and memory…

Recently, this song is one of my favorite song to played in my personal playlist. ENJOY and have a GOOD time~! 😉

天啊!我这才发觉三月已经快要结束了,然后我竟然还没写第二份的部落格…… @.@

这个月的天气实在让人‘发火’加头疼~ 这次似乎超越马来西亚平常的‘夏天’气候,搞得我家平日下午不随便开冷气的习惯都忍不住破例啦。我真的无法想像除了大马和新加坡以外的国家夏天情况……(我也不打算在这时候去想)



>>> 平时没有消息的时候就偏偏在这个月一次全冲我而来,但是几乎都是好消息…… (^3^)

>>> 我将迁移至我所熟悉,同时却又突然觉得有点陌生的地方……或许是因为这次是以全然不一样的理由吧。

>>> 下个星期,我会步入新的工作、新的环境和新的人士。我还是满脑子下来的事会如何?

不过,我是开心的 —— 我知道一路来我不是只有我一个人而已…… 😉

再见,我的宝贝模型们(我答应,等我适应一切后就会回来要你们了~!! TT___TT)


在我人生中,我会碰到不同又陌生的道路。每第一次的脚步对我来说是有点犹豫和困难的,但我知道一切都会怀有希望;一切会没事的。只要我知道在我的内心和记忆内,珍惜地收藏着我的 ‘Good Time’。

最近,我爱上了这首歌。它也成了其中一首我个人的最爱播放列表内。希望你也 ENJOY 及有个 GOOD Time~! 😉